Crafts to Crumbs

Home Adventures of a Lao American

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Hello, sabaidee! My name is Meng. I am a Lao American. I love to bake and cook. As an immigrant and naturalized American, I feel privileged to have experienced traditional Lao cooking and many other styles of cooking.

As I get older and I’m starting to see the importance of learning the cooking methods and foods of my heritage. I’m seeing a greater need to show my posterity these foods and traditions that have been passed down from my parents. But of course with my own flare!

This has set the stage in my kitchen. I am happy to share my kitchen adventures here with you.


 If you would like to contact me:


Facebook: @craftstocrumbs

Instagram: @craftstocrumbs

YouTube: Crafts to Crumbs Channel (


No contents, i.e  photographs, recipes, articles, etc. on this site may be reproduced  or used without prior written permission from me.